
「一方有難 八方支援」的全球網絡

清潔成衣運動 (CCC) 的「緊急呼籲機制」一個全球行動者互相支援的網絡,結合在地工人、已發展國家的行動者和跨國企業在所國的團體,我們向政府、企業、國際機制等持份者施壓,介入各地的勞工運動。CCC 1989年成立以來,已經成功介入40多個國家超過450多個勞工運動的個案,與工人一起捍衛他們應用的權利。


The CCC works with other organisations to simultaneously put pressure on all those responsible for improving workplace conditions.
This often results in a “triangle solidarity” strategy for action: campaigning in the producing country where violations occur, in as many countries as possible where the clothing is sold, and also in the home country of the factory owner.

Campaigns led to greater protections to workers

Many of the urgent appeal cases that have been successes for workers locally have also set precedents that have a significant spill-over effect towards improvements on a larger scale: victories gave inspiration to workers facing similar issues in other workplaces. To name a few of campaign successes, Adidas settlement with Indonesia PT Kizone workers in 2013, and German brand Kik pay additional USD 5.15 million to victims of Pakistan Ali Enterprise Fire in 2016.