Business and Human Rights (BHR) Concepts
A set of guidelines endorsed by the United Nations Human Rights Council for States and companies to prevent and address human rights abuses committed in business operations across the global supply chains.
Brand Tricks
How companies market the commodities for most profits and avoid their social and environmental responsibilities.
CCC Work
Global Campaigns and Enforceable Brand Agreements initiated by the Clean Clothes Campaign and our collaborators.
How consumers can be baffled by marketing strategies and how to make responsible decisions.
Global Supply Chain
The global system and network involved in producing garment and sportswear from raw material to final products.
Just Transition
The transition of the economy towards a sustainable one, socially, environmentally and for labour rights, whilst ensuring that it is just and socially inclusive.
Labour Rights in Global Supply Chain
The legal rights and human rights workers in the global supply chain are entitled to, but in many cases violated by their immediate employers and ignored by the Brand companies buying their products. Defending labour rights across borders is to stop companies avoiding their social and environmental responsibilities by purchasing through a globalized supply chain.